2009-2010 Membership Drive

Help us reach 500 members by Palms’ 50th anniversary (2011)

Now is the time to renew your membership of Palms Australia.

This year, more than ever, it is important that Palms’ friends and supporters express their commitment to Palms’ vision of a just, sustainable, interdependent and peaceful world by signing up as members.

Palms’ strength is in the people that make up its networks: returnees, volunteers, donors and other supporters.

A strong membership base provides an important reflection of Palms’ capacity to achieve its mission. Such an indication of support is especially important as Palms Australia continues discussions with old and new partners, overseas and in Australia, about what can be achieved.

So, this year, we ask

  • current members to renew their membership for 2009-2010
  • lapsed members to re-engage with Palms by re-joining our members list
  • non-members to become members of this unique, democratic and visionary organisation


  • all members to spread the word of Palms Australia and sign up two or more new members.

While it is estimated that a donation of $34.20 would be sufficient to cover the costs associated with servicing a membership, we hope that many are able to make a larger “end of financial year contribution” knowing that all donations to Palms Overseas Fund are tax-deductible.