Welshcakes Recipe

Welshcakes Recipe

Welshcakes, also known as pics, are traditional Welsh scone-like cakes that go down a treat at any morning or afternoon tea. This recipe comes from our Marketing and Communications Strategist Rachel’s Welsh great grandmother, Gladys.


  • 250g/2 cups self-raising flour
  • Pinch salt
  • 90g butter
  • 90g/3 tbsp caster sugar + extra to sprinkle on top
  • ½ cup currants
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten
  • 2 tbsp milk


Sift flour and salt and rub butter in with fingers. Stir in sugar, currants egg and milk to form a stiff dough.

Turn out onto a floured board, knead a little and roll out to about 1cm thickness. Cut into rounds with a pastry or cookie cutter.

Grease a griddle pan with butter and place over medium heat. Place rounds on pan and heat each side until golden brown. Place the rounds on a rack to cool and sprinkle with extra sugar. Serve with butter or jam.

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